The Evil Phone Companies, The Evil Human beings

I just came back to Paris from Taiwan. 

First of all I need to explain how I am not suitable for traveling alone. I am a very easily nervous person, so all the things related to travel stress me out. Packing, calling Uber, meeting Uber, security check bla bla bla...

Last month I went back to my country to see family. When I landed I tried to connect free wifi in the airport to contact my family. Since there were so many things in mind I didn't think of turning of my 3g data. (SInce usually I traveled in Europe which I don't need to do so) So I accidentally access to the 3g data abroad, and now I receive the fucking bill from SFR telling me I used 2.59Mo data and it cost me 48€!


After contacting SFR the "client service chat" (they don't even set up phone number because they don't want you to call them! The staff attitude is all that "Oh I'm sorry but it's your own fucking fault, remember to close that data next trip" WTF! Of course I know I need to close that DATA! But your fucking data rate is FUCKING TOO HIGH!

So you phone company policy is TO ROB PEOPLE WHENEVER THERE IS A CHANCE they FORGOT TO DO SO!????? 

I cracked, just realized every time I travel alone there are shits happened.
One time I bought luggage for boarding on airplane and at check-in staff told me it's actually free, then I asked for refund the company refused to do so ( there is no lines saying you can board your luggage for free when purchasing the ticket)
One time went to Rome, the day back to Paris, the flight got canceled, and waited 4 hours in line to get hotel arrangement, then took a local taxi to the hotel during midnight, then the taxi scam me 60€ for a 24€ distance trip, I thought the airline company will refund me so I didn't worry. But when I apply for refund they said they need DIGITAL receipt, so they refused to pay me back. But as a local traditional taxi in Italie ( which there are a lot of them) they only provide paper receipts, so I got TRICKED again.
I see this world is fucked up tricky, because human beings are greedy.
I got tricked so much because there are many things I believed should be fair and justice, but no, these people twisted it around to make themselves have more money.
Many of you would say YOU DON'T KNOW THAT YET?
Yes, now I know but I think we shouldn't be punished and accused by BEING AN HONEST PERSON in this WORLD, because WE ARE HONEST SO WE BELIEVE THIS WORLD IS ALSO HONEST.
In conclusion, maybe I should STOP TRAVELLING ALONE again.

